Sunday, July 18, 2010

rainier shine

heres my gem for today. i can't believe i've never had them before. i went to my favorite store ever for groceries today and there was guy inside selling newspaper subscriptions. lately.. i'll talkto anyone. since i've been running low on friends lately.. first he thought i was 15. pft. then looks in my basket making sure i bought some rainier cherries. i hadn't so he made me go over and try one.. he was right. they are the bomb. (yeah i said it) so i exchanged the gross red cherries for these clusters of heaven.. and went my way (along with a paper subscription of corse).

naz's little sister is in town so naz took her to a water p
ark today. it was nice to be by myself. i've gotten really used to it. i like thinking about what i want to do and the projects i have in my head. there are so many. i know im not the most creative person ever but i aspire to be. and if i can keep creating i don't feel like i'm falling behind.

i've decided i really want to go on a vacation. i've decided that a long time ago i know... but it's something i think about a lot. maybe i'll be like seinfeld and take a vacation from myself. but i can't grow a mustache... so.. maybe i should shave a side of my head.


  1. Oooooh, shave the side of your head and come to Juneau for a viset.

  2. Rainier cherries are the best! Welcome to the dark side. We're pretty much addicted to them and it's one of my favorite things about summer.
