Wednesday, June 1, 2011

t.v tears.

I think being pregnant makes you notice every other lady who is pregnant. And that goes the same with television. I've been tearing up with every baby commercial. So I thought it would be fun to post the good ones I could find online.

even though we plan on cloth diapers.. it still gets me.

P&G might not be a very good company cuz of their animal testing... but what a sweet commercial.


  1. How sweet are those! I remember being touched by the special olympics commercial and I have to say, I am not pregnant, but have noticed myself getting more emotional the older I get and oddly, my fiance says he is noticing it in himself, if I am ever pregnant I had better be prepared...hehe! :) Cute blog and congratulations on the little bun in the exciting!

    Liesl :)

  2. Being a parents makes EVERYTHING more emotional! It's not limited to pregnant mums-to-be, it sticks with you for the rest of your life!
    Rachel and I actually have to be careful about what movies we watch, because if it has any scary scenes that have to do with kids we both get really upset!
