Sunday, May 31, 2009

sunday. skate. sleep.

well today was the last sunday i have, doing sunday school for noah's class.. unless we are still here in august. haha. i hope not, but only God knows for sure.

today after church naz finally used his brand new skateboard that i bought him for the valentines day after we got married. we just had it sitting here in the house, and now it has dirty wheels. haha... some of the guys from church go to the skate park in coronado, and have asked naz and rob to join them before, but because of school and work, it was always difficult for them to make it. now that rob is out of school, along with naz, they made it out to enjoy the may grey of san diego. they are hoping to go more often after church. i'm just glad he was able to go hang out with the guys, he has been so busy these past years with work and school, but he is going to be in some pain tomorrow! haha sucker!

well all the family is gone now, and now its back to normal. im hoping to get jamie back into the swing of things for Love Sake. we've had to put things on hold while the family was here to visit, so now we can focus on it. specially with the new baby coming at the end of december, (jamie's), we gotta get on the ball. its just so hard not knowing where we will be, or what we'll be doing, to plan on too much.

i wish i had some pictures to post, but i just haven't been taking any. so i apologize. off to mimi land.

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